creator's mind flow
resumed by the recipient
the scenery transforms
object of contemplation
the journey inwards
the journey into the void of the universe

    Almost twenty years ago I fell in love with raku - this specific process, action…
…the way of life.

Technics I use are connected with Raku ceramics tradition, a 16th-century Japanese pottery and firing technique, closely linked to the ancient Japanese art of tea ceremony and the philosophy of Zen Buddhism.

In this process, pottery is fired in a live flame, free from control. Using tongs, I retrieve the ceramics, heated to approximately 1050 degrees Celsius. Through reduction in natural materials and cooling in water, unique marks and color effects are etched onto the pieces. The addition of glazes, infused with metallic oxides, adds to their captivating appearance. Raku is a technique that harmoniously combines the work of human hands with the elemental forces at play.

Its unpredictability fascinates me, and while we can't describe it as completely unpredictable, the final result can often be astonishingly surprising. I am continuously learning how to influence the outcome, yet nature serves as a constant reminder that I am not in control. Everything I do is possible through collaboration with nature, much like every other human endeavor on Earth.

It is about finding balance rather than seeking control.


Ewelina Suchanek